平成29年6月5日に開催された国際交流会議「アジアの未来」の安倍総理大臣スピーチにおいて、「日本語を学ぶアジアの高校生たちに、10か月、日本で暮らせる機会を提供します。規模は今後5年で1000人」との発言がなされました。上記発言を踏まえ、中国、韓国、インドネシア、スリランカ、タイなどのアジア諸国で日本語を学ぶ優秀な高校生を日本全国の高校に招聘し、日本人高校生との国際交流を深めることを目的とした新規事業として 「アジア高校生架け橋プロジェクト」が、文部科学省のプロジェクトとしてスタートしました。
Hello everyone, my name is Atikan Kongson. I’m a Thai Exchange student from the “ Asia Kakehashi Project ”
Now, it’s around 2 months since I came to this school, I would like to tell you about my impressions of this school. Since my first day at school, I have been loved and cared for by my classmates and teachers. They have helped me with the Japanese language in several ways, such as teaching me some basic conversational phrases or vocabulary words. I knew that my Japanese skills were so poor, I can’t even understand any kanji or difficult words, but my classmates also tried to talk to me in English, it meant that they also overcame the language barrier to make friends with me and talk to me. My homeroom teacher has also translated all the information that she has to give the students in to English for me almost every day. They are my inspiration to overcome the language barrier. I want to be able to communicate with them.
Here everyone is so kind and nice to me, if I ask them for help with my Japanese or how can I improve it, they will give me a lot of good advice and help me with it.They gave me a lot of chances to try things that I had never done it before. However, if I messed it up, they just told me that it was okay and then let me try it again without getting angry at me. This school teaches me lots of things and I have also learned new things and gained a lot of experiences which I couldn’t find in my home country.
Last, I would like to thank you for giving me a chance to be a Kosei Girls’ student.
皆さん はじめまして。私は アティ です。タイから来ました。アジア高校生架け橋プロジェクトの交換留学生です。私は日本に来て2ヶ月です。私の先生や同級生は本当に私のことを助けてくれます。皆さんは 私に日本語の言葉と挨拶を教えてくれ、日本語で話してくれます。先生も私にお知らせを英語で説明して下さいます。だから私は日本語が上手になって皆さんと話したいです。皆さんはとても親切で、私は嬉しいです。Kosei Girls に来られたことに感謝しています。